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小草 2010-11-25 23:59
MRS 2010-3-9 10:02
Dear 小草 ,

Hello!. My name is Mariano Saviello and I have recently got my degree in Biotechnology in the National University of Quilmes (Buenos Aires, Argentina ), where I am working in a Laboratory of Vegetal Biotechnology doing my Ph.D research.
I would love to have some information concerning the Hippeastrum calyptratum you have shown in this forum, since it is one of the species in which my Ph.D is based. Maybe, and if you have some available material, it would be possible to make some trade anytime. I  manage a big greenhouse in Buenos Aires, where I grow native and exotic Hippeastrum, including some of the following species: H. iguazuanum, H. teyucuarense, H. petiolatum, H. tucumanum, different forms of H. parodii, H. cybister and H. aglaiae, as well as H. puniceum (var. ´Major´, ´Alba´ , ´Purpurea´ and ´Alberti´), different forms of H. striatum, H. reticulatum, H. evansiae, H. blossfeldiae, H. papilio, H. machupijchense, H. ferreyrae, H. canterai, H. aviflorum, H. glaucescens, H. mandonii, H. macbrideii, H. aulicum, H. morelianum, H. fuscum, H. belladona, H. curitibana, H. bukasovii, H. starkiorum, H. guarapuavicum, H. harrisonii, H. ambiguum and some exotic gems such as H. divijulianus, H. incachacanum, H. caupolicanense, H. pilcomaicum, H. wilsoniae and H. vanleestenii.
I would be really grateful if you can contact me to the following e-mail address: [email protected].

Best regards! Mariano.
芳芳 2009-5-13 23:52
goodnight,大家努力加油! ^^


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