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上傳於 2009-1-4 15:00 (26.5 KB)

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回復 bennyccm626 2009-1-14 11:16
回復 MayFlower 2009-1-14 15:14
多謝, 是前兩年在花市買, 是黃牡丹, 因香港天氣太熱不適合栽種, 現已凋謝了, 很可惜.
回復 garyyeung 2009-1-16 20:46
i love 牡丹 very much....people say it only has flower once a year...and it is hard to plant...
回復 MayFlower 2009-1-17 09:21
I can see your lovely photo (that pink colour).  I bought it two years before at lunar flower market.  I thought that farmer was mainland people.  He said that flower should have flower every four years not once a year.  It was quite hard to plant in HK due to hot weather.  During last summer, all leaves were dried out.  This winter it has two little leaf's buds.  I hope they could grow up.
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