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doncheng的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?43350 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


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doncheng 2012-5-13 09:08
Opal 2012-5-13 00:38
請問朱頂蘭種子怎樣收的? thanks !
juju0268 2011-7-13 11:01
9412 1950 吳先生
modo 2011-5-10 10:04
hihi doncheng

Thanks for your gd news may I ve your office address so that I can ask my courier to pick up
is that ok?
modo 2011-5-6 23:52
hi doncheng can if be reserve a taiwan seed for me if it still hv as i will be check yr msg when i am back to hk on this sunday nite.. thks in advance....


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