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熱度 2上傳於 2011-7-2 19:23 (212 KB)

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回復 SSCP 2011-7-3 17:14
回復 ChowChow 2011-7-12 13:14
回復 avery 2011-7-12 16:56
If you have a full time job but you have to take care of several greenhouses at the same time without a maid ... that is 辛酸 ....
回復 ChowChow 2011-7-15 14:14
avery: If you have a full time job but you have to take care of several greenhouses at the same time without a maid ... that is 辛酸 ....
回復 avery 2011-7-15 14:20
no I have limited time and energy ... That's why it is a tough challenge ...
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