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熱度 13上傳於 2010-3-1 07:20 (91.4 KB)

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回復 Evalam 2010-3-1 09:30
回復 cara 2010-3-1 23:53
回復 蕙蕙 2010-3-1 23:58
好靚, 好外國feel
回復 小紅楓 2010-3-2 05:30
Evalam: 好得意喎
係,我每日行過都要望下, 我個仔話我知你係一定會停低影相,佢真了解我
回復 小紅楓 2010-3-2 05:32
cara: 好凍既地方
係呀,不過原來好快慣,一陣 upload 張開咗花嘅你地睇。我自己好中意,不過搵5到有得賣??
回復 小紅楓 2010-3-2 05:35
蕙蕙: 好靚, 好外國feel
買咗3包種子,遲 d upload 相,你話過我知香港有無得賣,我會分 d 比你開枝散葉
如果搵到你會5會都想種?but I don't know if it's the suitable season for them in HK.
回復 cara 2010-3-2 08:07
小紅楓: 係呀,不過原來好快慣,一陣 upload 張開咗花嘅你地睇。我自己好中意,不過搵5到有得賣??
回復 hellohello 2010-3-2 11:38
good good good!!!  beautiful ah!!!!  what kind of flower is ?  
回復 蕙蕙 2010-3-2 14:01
小紅楓: 買咗3包種子,遲 d upload 相,你話過我知香港有無得賣,我會分 d 比你開枝散葉
如果搵到你會5會都想種?but I don't know if it's the suitable season for them
they look familiar to me...can u give me their names
回復 Evalam 2010-3-2 14:42
小紅楓: 係,我每日行過都要望下, 我個仔話我知你係一定會停低影相,佢真了解我
回復 Tony 2010-3-3 00:16
回復 小紅楓 2010-3-3 07:54
hellohello: good good good!!!  beautiful ah!!!!  what kind of flower is ?  
I have no idea what it is,but it's not tall, just around 5"height, very attractive
回復 小紅楓 2010-3-3 07:57
蕙蕙: they look familiar to me...can u give me their names
I really have no idea, it looks like 縮水風雨蘭, but it's not,  I am looking for it in the gardening shop.  There are so many bulb's, spend me lot's of time there.
回復 小紅楓 2010-3-3 07:59
Tony: 邊度黎架?
回復 蕙蕙 2010-3-3 22:11
小紅楓: I really have no idea, it looks like 縮水風雨蘭, but it's not,  I am looking for it in the gardening shop.  There are so many bulb's, spend me lot's of
回復 小紅楓 2010-3-4 04:12
蕙蕙: they look familiar to me...can u give me their names
有名喇 Crocus purple,  有好多色,同一品種 Crocus Tricolor 好 sharp, 會 upload 相片
回復 蕙蕙 2010-3-4 16:09
小紅楓: 有名喇 Crocus purple,  有好多色,同一品種 Crocus Tricolor 好 sharp, 會 upload 相片
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