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熱度 6上傳於 2009-10-8 18:36 (29.1 KB)

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回復 staplefordgem 2009-10-8 21:07
好靚的bleeding heart flower
回復 Donder 2009-10-9 14:29
staplefordgem: 好靚的bleeding heart flower
你又種啦 !
回復 staplefordgem 2009-10-9 14:48
Donder: 你又種啦 !
no, i don't have this flower, but i know her name and her tale/story/fable, may i know do you know the tale/story/fable behind this flower? quite romantic and touching one
回復 Donder 2009-10-9 15:33
staplefordgem: no, i don't have this flower, but i know her name and her tale/story/fable, may i know do you know the tale/story/fable behind this flower? quite roma
但我唔知你住果到的天氣怎樣, 這種花花, 是超耐寒植物, 如你住的地方不夠凍, 渡夏是有難題的.
如有興趣, 可睇下我呢到
回復 staplefordgem 2009-10-9 15:43
Donder: 但我唔知你住果到的天氣怎樣, 這種花花, 是超耐寒植物, 如你住的地方不夠凍, 渡夏是有難題的.
如有興趣, 可睇下我呢到
原來她是超耐寒植物,0甘唔arm我依道我讀過bleeding heart 的故事,好感人 你有冇睇過花花名來源的故事呀? it's a romantic story behind the bleeding heart name
回復 Donder 2009-10-9 16:19
staplefordgem: 原來她是超耐寒植物,0甘唔arm我依道我讀過bleeding heart 的故事,好感人你有冇睇過花花名來源的故事呀? it's a romantic story behind the bleedi
有呀 ! 好浪漫下架 !
回復 staplefordgem 2009-10-9 16:20
Donder: 有呀 ! 好浪漫下架 !
so v got the same taste
回復 nuage 2009-10-13 21:33
回復 Donder 2009-10-14 19:50
staplefordgem: so v got the same taste
回復 Donder 2009-10-14 19:55
nuage: 真係好鍾意呢棵
好可惜, HK 種唔到啦 ! 如果唔係, 比D 你試種 !
講個秘密你知, 早前寄出的球根種子, 我附寄了小小這種花的種子比 newbie, 哈...哈...你去打劫佢幾粒啦 !
回復 nuage 2009-10-14 20:52
Donder: 好可惜, HK 種唔到啦 !如果唔係, 比D 你試種 !
講個秘密你知,早前寄出的球根種子, 我附寄了小小這種花的種子比 newbie, 哈...哈...你去打劫佢幾
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