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Cirr fascinator x densiflorm

熱度 2上傳於 2009-5-11 21:57 (28.6 KB)

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回復 laitungfamily 2009-5-11 22:02
回復 newbie 2009-5-19 15:53
打..高..球 !! lets golf together la !!!!!!!!!
回復 cf0 2009-5-19 16:39
you are a golfer ah, good ah. but I am not a very good player, my score around 110-120.
回復 cf0 2009-5-19 18:08
newbie: 打..高..球 !! lets golf together la !!!!!!!!!
I usually practice in Tuen Mun, sunday morning, want to join ?
回復 newbie 2009-5-19 20:07
cf0: I usually practice in Tuen Mun, sunday morning, want to join ?
oooh i am living in fortress hill........ TM tooooooo tooooooooo far for me ^^
how about on course ? where u usually go ?
回復 cf0 2009-5-19 21:49
In fact, only a few a year, just play once in May in 龍崗公眾場. :)
ON couse, of course good ah, may be in June ?
回復 cf0 2009-5-19 21:50
newbie: oooh i am living in fortress hill........ TM tooooooo tooooooooo far for me ^^
how about on course ? where u usually go ?
In fact, only a few times a year, just play once in May in 龍崗公眾場. :)
ON couse, of course good ah, may be in June ?
回復 newbie 2009-5-19 21:59
cf0: In fact, only a few times a year, just play once in May in 龍崗公眾場. :)
ON couse, of course good ah, may be in June ?
now its getting hot, i am lazy to play on course too heheee
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