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甜罹勒 (紫葉)

熱度 2上傳於 2011-11-25 16:29 (45.3 KB)

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回復 saolan 2011-12-5 12:27
回復 eve3313 2011-12-5 12:33
saolan: 您的紫罗勒是阡插或是種子發苗,我放作12粒種子成三星期乜都未见。
是買番來的, HK$ 20.00就有交易LA! 買時是有4棵的 現在佢在自然流失吓, 就種剩兩大棵囉 !
回復 rppwong 2012-6-12 14:20
Do you want some rosemary? I can send you some fresh one to plant !!
回復 eve3313 2012-6-12 15:26
rppwong: Do you want some rosemary? I can send you some fresh one to plant !!
I have planted it b/4 but finally it were gone.  If you have some Rosemarrys more for sharing, I would be much much appreciated to get one.   Pls advise how we can exchange it.  
回復 rppwong 2012-6-13 15:15
I can give you some, no need to exchange. I live in HK side and work in HKU, where should i pass them to you?
回復 eve3313 2012-6-13 17:41
rppwong: I can give you some, no need to exchange. I live in HK side and work in HKU, where should i pass them to you?
The location is a problem, then I would like to temporarily cancel the exchange.  Let us see if we can find the right time and place to get it by the next time. No matter what I'm much appreciated and thank you for your offer.  
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