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熱度 3上傳於 2012-1-16 10:24 (2.86 MB)

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回復 eve3313 2012-1-16 11:04
Congrats!    I also have been planting some Oxalis at home but as there is no sunlight in Autumn and Winter, so all of my Oxalis are very thin & no flowers.
回復 ahhung68 2012-1-16 11:24
我好鍾意呢個品種, 佢啲葉又大塊又翠綠, 正  
回復 timidb 2012-1-16 11:27
Thanks a lot.
回復 saolan 2012-1-16 16:04
Oxalis needs strong sunlight. I've seen some with yellow flowers too. I'm so jealous of you!
回復 timidb 2012-1-16 16:15
I put them under direct sunlight.
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