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Not a plant killer!! (II) 酢醬草

熱度 1已有 461 次閱讀2009-9-8 12:57

While I'm worrying about why the only leaf of my oxalis does not lay open during daytime,
another leaf is coming out!

small leaf coming out!

the fragile leaf feels like falling off everytime when the wind blows...

the leaf is too shy to open even during daytime...hope it's normal...

發表評論 評論 (3 個評論)

回復 newbie 2009-9-9 01:17
the old leave will 'die' soon but dont worry !!! more more new leaves will be coming !! new leaves will be more strong !! give more sun light if u can pls :)
回復 hingyinn 2009-9-10 12:05
newbie: the old leave will 'die' soon but dont worry !!! more more new leaves will be coming !! new leaves will be more strong !! give more sun light if u can
right! for the first week of bring it home i dare not to put it under sunlight, after one week now i put it under sunlight lu! u know what today the small leaf is out and it has 2cm long....wahhhahahhaha.....!!! really looking forwards to seeing the pot filled with these purple beautiful leaves!!!
回復 newbie 2009-9-10 12:55
hingyinn: right! for the first week of bring it home i dare not to put it under sunlight, after one week now i put it under sunlight lu! u know what today the s
actually they are growing very fast .. dont worry.. but winter time may slow down.. but NOT easily die.. so good luck and hope to have flower in spring :)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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