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this is how it looks now....

上傳於 2009-9-5 13:52 (47.1 KB)

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回復 newbie 2009-9-5 14:01
the soil will dry by itself ??
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 14:02
cut away all the not nice leave.. so dont 搶 營養
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 14:03
put water only the soil DRY !! and if too strong sun light in the afternoon, move it :)
回復 hingyinn 2009-9-5 14:16
yes...i guess so...but since i heard this plant needs a lot of water...i water it everyday....after the small one is dead, i readjust my watering plan and think i should only water it when the soil is dry, as i usually do to my other plants....
回復 hingyinn 2009-9-5 14:16
hope it helps la....
回復 hingyinn 2009-9-5 14:17
yes i should cut the leaves!
回復 hingyinn 2009-9-5 14:19
my flat is facing east ge so only has direct sunlight in the morning....so i think it should be ok gua....
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