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又要再搵工人姐姐, 煩!
  • 蕙蕙: 姐姐約滿要走呀 (5-25 15:37)
  • adakong: 係呀 (5-25 15:39)
  • 蕙蕙: 咁你暫時咪好唔得閑羅, 要快d重新搵過啦 (5-25 15:49)
  • adakong: 搵緊了, 煩死人 (5-25 15:53)
  • 蕙蕙: 我都知好難搵個好既, 要靠luck, 有熟人referral就穩陣d (5-25 17:22)
  • adakong: i think so, and it's not we choose helper, it's helper to choose employer! (5-25 22:48)
  • 蕙蕙: my aunt did have a very bad experience few months ago. she hired a helper with a very bad working attitude after 3-day trial, so she fired her after 2 mths (5-26 00:09)
  • 蕙蕙: the helper acted as a very helpful person during the trial... good actress (5-26 00:10)
  • adakong: 總之好煩 (5-26 10:27)
  • 蕙蕙: 咁祝你快d搵到個好幫手啦 (5-26 15:49)
  • adakong: thanks! (5-26 22:24)
  • Martinfung: 工人哥哥得嗎 ? HEHE (5-25 22:39)
  • adakong: cannot afford for so high quali 工人哥哥wow! (5-25 22:47)
  • GMT+8: 搵工人真係好煩....我朋友一連換左3個下星期第四個上班... (8-12 19:37)
2010-5-25 13:45 回復|

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