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熱度 1上傳於 2010-7-2 12:43 (35.7 KB)

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回復 timidb 2010-9-4 14:03
very beautiful!
回復 bearbear 2010-9-4 14:45
timidb: very beautiful!
thank you
回復 timidb 2010-9-4 15:00
does it have a strong fragrance?
回復 bearbear 2010-9-4 15:07
timidb: does it have a strong fragrance?
If you touch it, it gives some fragance smell.   And it tends to give stronger smell if it has enough water.
回復 timidb 2010-9-5 13:48
That is good. Someone gave me seeds of basil and I am growing them in a pot. Let's see if they can germinate. I like the smell of basil very much. And I hope I can have plant of basil as strong as yours.
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