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熱度 2上傳於 2011-6-8 18:27 (134 KB)

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回復 timidb 2011-6-10 11:36
It looks large and healthy. What is the colour of the flowers?
回復 bearbear 2011-6-10 13:14
timidb: It looks large and healthy. What is the colour of the flowers?
It is white with some purple pattern.
回復 timidb 2011-6-10 13:32
Where and when did you buy it?
回復 bearbear 2011-6-11 17:27
timidb: Where and when did you buy it?
I bought it in flower market (Mongkok)
回復 timidb 2011-6-11 17:51
Is it phal?
回復 timidb 2011-6-12 07:27
回復 bearbear 2011-6-13 09:14
timidb: 名護蘭跟蝴蝶蘭很相似
回復 timidb 2011-6-13 11:31
What are the difference between them actually?
回復 bearbear 2011-6-13 13:15
timidb: What are the difference between them actually?
Well, I don't know.  I am not a botanologist.  I just find the flower beautiful, smells good and easy to grow...
回復 timidb 2011-6-13 13:58
it looks beautiful really
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