
作者: Mocchaccino 發表于 2011-7-20 03:43:19
1997 8
偶是新手, 對拖鞋認識尚淺, 如有錯誤, 敬請指教. 以下3株是最近收回來的, 自知花型與同類的比賽級一定相差好遠, 但都紀錄一下花的大小, 加減看:]

Paph. godefroyae var. alba
Binocky Orchids - godefroyae alba.jpg

DS: 3.3 NS: 6.7 Flower Stem: 5.5

Paph. niveum var. alba
Binocky Orchids - niveum alba.jpg

在網上找過資料, 知道niveum alba 和ang-thong alba的分別仍然存有好大的爭議性, 小弟經驗尚淺, 相信老闆是對的~
DS: 3.4 NS: 6.5 Flower Stem: 10.8

Paph. leucochilum
Binocky Orchids - leucochilum.jpg

這株買回來的時候是無名, 問店長他又說不清楚, 我猜的是原種, 並且應該是godefroyae/leucochilum, 只是不知雜交的可能性. 若果是原種, 它會是godefroyae 嗎? 我看過,godefroyae 跟leucochilum的分別就是有點與沒點, 有點是godefroyae,無點是leucochilum, 這株花有點, 但不多, 而且不很明顯, 所以小弟會否命名錯了嗎?

忘了寫下他的NS, 但沒記錯的話好像能開到8CM
151 發表於 2011-7-20 13:10:16 |顯示全部樓層

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Mocchaccino 發表於 2011-7-20 18:13:55 |顯示全部樓層
感謝151的讚賞, 希望來年來花表現更好 :]

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taiwaisy 發表於 2011-7-21 09:37:55 |顯示全部樓層

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avery 發表於 2011-7-21 11:14:53 |顯示全部樓層
Who is the "老闆" ??

Seems to already know a lot about brachpetalum, then you should take photos of the whole plant including the flower stems

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Mocchaccino 發表於 2011-7-21 13:05:06 |顯示全部樓層
taiwaisy 發表於 2011-7-21 09:37


其實會有點懶去紀錄, 因為大多要拍照. 不過紀錄以後方便好多. 天天看著他們, 有時會感覺他們不在生長, 但翻查相片時, 就會發覺原來已經高了很多耶~

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Mocchaccino 發表於 2011-7-21 13:15:01 |顯示全部樓層
avery 發表於 2011-7-21 11:14
Who is the "老闆" ??

Seems to already know a lot about brachpetalum, then you should take photos of ...


其實我也有拍整株照, 沒上載而已. 不知這樣拍得對不對~


剪花換盆後, 高炒看:

Niveum alba

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avery 發表於 2011-7-21 14:57:35 |顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 avery 於 2011-7-21 23:09 編輯

Under a new ridiculous nomanclature system a few years ago, ang-thong, godefroyae and leucochilum were all placed under the name Paph. godefroyae and all other forms will be names as varieties of it

In the earlier years, breeders traced natural origins of those paphs precisely and carefully select parantages as they were afraid the offsprings produced are not the pure line of breed. Since the new nomanclature was proposed, breeding of the godefroyae alliances were all mixed up as they are now godefroyae no matter what strains are that particular paph consist of ~

And, appearance of offsprings vary a lot. No matter their outlook resemble a particular plant, say leucochilum or godefroyae, their DNAs aren't telling the same stories.

Concerning labelling, it now all depends on how serious you are and how careful you are collecting your own stock of plants.

My advice is: if you are a serious grower, try your best to ask details of the plants before you buy anything. As early the seller obtained the plants, as accurate the origin of his plants will be ~

For the niveum alba, real niveum has tall flower stems and leaf pattern is identical to the coloured form of niveum. And their petals don't have tiny short hairs.

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Mocchaccino 發表於 2011-7-21 22:12:25 |顯示全部樓層
Seriously, I have to express my deepest gratitude to avery's explanation on the taxonomic history of P.godefroyae. Truly I can understand how complicated it would be with a view to giving a representative name to an unknown species. The most reliable tool is to analyze their genetic patterns based on molecular techniques such as maybe DNA sequencing, Polymerase Chain Reaction, DNA microarray. But to those who dont really care about the naming system, who will spend such a lot of funds and time in order to figure out just a minor thing. Even if those techniques were employed, who could guarantee the success in giving the true name.

Given the recent naming system you mentioned, so be it! I just name it as P.godefroyae and let alone its history. :] Thanks for your perspectives in classifying niveum alba. I think it is the true one as it fits almost all of the criteria and it was bought a long time ago by the seller, that should be reliable.


You are welcomed ~  發表於 2011-7-21 23:10

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