Lady First的由來

作者: lammanfung 發表于 2010-7-3 13:06:05
2180 4
大家是否知道 Lady First 這個話是在甚麼情況之下產生的?
比得大帝 發表於 2010-7-6 11:13:37 |顯示全部樓層
The title "First Lady" originated in the United States in 1849, when United States President Zachary Taylor called Dolley Madison "First Lady" at her state funeral while reciting a eulogy written by himself.[2]

In the early days of the United States republic, there was no generally accepted title for the wife of the President. Many early first ladies expressed their own preference for how they were addressed, including the use of such titles as "Lady," "Mrs. President," "Mrs. Presidentress" (in the case of Julia Tyler) and "Queen of the White House."[3]

Harriet Lane, niece of bachelor President James Buchanan was the first woman to be called First Lady while actually serving in that position. The phrase appeared in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Monthly in 1860, when he wrote, "The Lady of the White House, and by courtesy, the First Lady of the Land." Once Harriet Lane was called First Lady, the term was applied retrospectively to her predecessors.

The title first gained nationwide recognition in 1877, when Mary C. Ames wrote an article in the New York City newspaper The Independent describing the inauguration of President Rutherford B. Hayes. She used the term to describe his wife, Lucy Webb Hayes.

In some situations, the title is bestowed upon a non-spouse. Park Geun-hye, former head of the Grand National Party of Korea, has been referred to as the First Lady to South Korean President Park Chung Hee. Although she is President Park's daughter, the title was bestowed upon her after her mother's death.[4]

The title "First Gentleman" is used for the head of state's husband in the Philippines as well as for governors' husbands in US states. In addition, it has been theorized that it is likely that "First Gentleman" would be used for the male spouse of an American head of state.[5] As an alternative to "First Gentleman," former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin often referred to her husband as Alaska's "First Dude." Former U.S. President Bill Clinton also joked that perhaps his title would be "First Lad" or "First Mate" if his wife Hillary Clinton were to be elected President.

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lammanfung 發表於 2010-7-13 16:44:53 |顯示全部樓層
話說二次世界大戰時,歐洲各國互相攻伐,打個不亦樂乎。那時候兵力是最重要的其中一環,保存實力至為重要。在不同戰略之中,地雷陣是當時一個較為普遍的手段。有歐洲恅行經地雷陣前,這些大佬想都不用再想,就對那些老弱婦孺說:「Lady First!」

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比得大帝 發表於 2010-7-13 17:25:02 |顯示全部樓層

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lammanfung 發表於 2010-7-13 21:56:30 |顯示全部樓層

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