
作者: ryan 發表于 2008-11-22 14:33:16
1696 10

[ 本帖最後由 ryan 於 2008-11-22 14:35 編輯 ]
avery 發表於 2008-11-22 14:36:16 |顯示全部樓層
Look like a Nepenthes x Miranda or something closely related to x Miranda to me ...

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ryan 發表於 2008-11-22 15:54:58 |顯示全部樓層
actually, i have this species of seeds, can anybody share how to plants it from seed stage? Thank You!!!

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haren 發表於 2008-11-22 17:09:21 |顯示全部樓層
好大個籠add9icon 是樓主種的嗎?

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ryan 發表於 2008-11-22 17:35:29 |顯示全部樓層
原帖由 haren 於 2008-11-22 17:09 發表
好大個籠add9icon 是樓主種的嗎?

我都想係我的, 我而家只係有種子咋, 上面寫住 "Nepenthes Seed", 打算搞清楚佢係咩先下種, 不過之前未試過種種子, 所以想向有經驗的高手請教左先下種

[ 本帖最後由 ryan 於 2008-11-22 19:47 編輯 ]

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avery 發表於 2008-11-22 23:14:48 |顯示全部樓層
Where did you get those seeds ??

The seller told you that those seeds will grow up to a x miranda ??

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ryan 發表於 2008-11-23 00:27:08 |顯示全部樓層
原帖由 avery 於 2008-11-22 23:14 發表
Where did you get those seeds ??

The seller told you that those seeds will grow up to a x miranda ??

the seller didn't tell me any information, its only marked "Nepenthes seed"

what should i do for the seed?

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avery 發表於 2008-11-23 23:17:30 |顯示全部樓層
Then the seeds might not be the nepenthes you shown at the very beginning ...

Just sow the seeds as soon as possible with peatmoss mixed with perlite. Wet the soil completely, sow seeds on medium, spray water on them, cover the container and put it in a place with bright light ( no direct sunlight ), wait for germination ~

Good luck ~ Germination rate of pitcher plants relies heavily on freshness of seeds ~

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ryan 發表於 2008-11-24 00:05:20 |顯示全部樓層
原帖由 avery 於 2008-11-23 23:17 發表
Then the seeds might not be the nepenthes you shown at the very beginning ...

Just sow the seeds as soon as possible with peatmoss mixed with perlite. Wet the soil completely, sow seeds on medium, sp ...

actually, why u sure the seed is not the nepenthes?
is "nepenthes" a species name of this group of plants?

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avery 發表於 2008-11-24 11:54:18 |顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ryan 於 2008-11-24 00:05 發表

actually, why u sure the seed is not the nepenthes?
is "nepenthes" a species name of this group of plants?

Nepenthes is Genus name of pitcher plants
x Miranda is a hybrid name of one kind of nepenthes plant.
There are more hybrid names like xRokko, Gentle, Red Dragon etc.
Species names examples are ampullaria, rafflesiana, rajah etc.

If the seeds were labelled "nepenthes", they are probably nepenthes seeds but no way you can know anything about whether they are hybrids or species, not to mention what their names are ~~~

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mkpetpet 發表於 2008-11-25 11:31:33 |顯示全部樓層


原帖由 avery 於 2008-11-23 23:17 發表
Then the seeds might not be the nepenthes you shown at the very beginning ...

Just sow the seeds as soon as possible with peatmoss mixed with perlite. Wet the soil completely, sow seeds on medium, spray water on them, cover the container and put it in a place with bright light ( no direct sunlight ), wait for germination ~

Good luck ~ Germination rate of pitcher plants relies heavily on freshness of seeds ~

師兄請問呢,  強光但唔可以直射陽光,  咁如果個位係直射陽光,  係咪要搵 d 0野遮一遮呀?  謝.

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