液體Castile soap及起泡劑疑問及分享洗頭水配方

作者: bal1214 發表于 2016-10-18 18:56:55
2875 1
因為托朋友在美國帶了2瓶液體Castile soap, 一瓶是Pure,一瓶是茶樹. 知道可以自己調做洗髮水, 但想問一下是否液體Castile soap產生的泡不太多, 因為想調2瓶給弟弟用, 都要求要多泡, 但一個是干性頭髮, 另一個是油性頭髮.

Castile soap還要再加起泡劑才多一些泡嗎?

http://www.edensgarden.com/blogs ... wn-tea-tree-shampoo

For Dry/Damaged Hair
10 drops Lavender oil
15 drops Rosemary oil
10 drops Tea Tree oil
2 tablespoons Sweet Almond oil
¼ cup distilled water
¼ cup liquid castile soap (unscented)
1 tablespoon Vitamin E oil

For Oily Hair
15 drops of Basil oil
25 drops of Tea Tree oil
2 tablespoons Grapeseed oil
¼ cup distilled water
¼ cup liquid castile soap (unscented)
¼ cup honey
1 tablespoon Vitamin E oil

For Fine Hair
20 drops Chamomile Roman oil
20 drops Lavender oil
15 drops Tea Tree oil
2 tablespoons Sweet Almond oil
¼ can coconut milk
¼ cup liquid castile soap (unscented)
1 tablespoon Vitamin E oil
bal1214 發表於 2016-10-18 19:00:28 |顯示全部樓層
補充疑問,點解Oily Hair要加Honey及Vitamin E oil (份量同乾性頭髮都是1 tablespoon )

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