is this K Flirt please , thanks

作者: newbie 發表于 2012-3-15 12:55:03
1221 2
according to 妙妙花園,this one seems like K Flirt but why there are 2 different looks of K Flirt, other one is much 'red' ?@?@
pls advise, thanks

sunsunsun 發表於 2012-3-15 14:09:12 |顯示全部樓層
K Flirt 係細種貓, 唔係咁大棵, 同佢d 花唔係咁, 係紅色, 呢個樣似係K. amabilis

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newbie 發表於 2012-3-15 17:04:27 |顯示全部樓層
sunsunsun 發表於 2012-3-15 14:09
K Flirt 係細種貓, 唔係咁大棵, 同佢d 花唔係咁, 係紅色, 呢個樣似係K. amabilis

ooh icic but there is no 'K amabilis' in mui mui garden, so i dont know this name
thanks sunsunsun

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