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熱度 1已有 359 次閱讀2010-9-6 17:08

八月裏病了一陣子,只好讓 maid 照顧花花們,沒想到兩個星期後再看她們時,不知是否因她們不習慣被 maid 淋水照顧或其他原因,花花好多都面目全非 ,枯萎黃葉生蟲等,只好大修剪一番,現在她們又再生氣勃勃了;除了紅黃色的馬纓丹,因生了好多好多的蟲蟲,只好忍痛拔掉,現在知剩下粉紅色的了 。。。

現在只剩下這個色的馬纓丹  。。。

經過大修剪後的她,還沒一星期就長得這麽高,加油呀 。。。

大岩桐好烏糟,咦。。中間好像有 。。。buds ???

係咁先,至於其他的花花,下次再 post 啦

發表評論 評論 (7 個評論)

回復 Evalam 2010-9-7 09:25
回復 staplefordgem 2010-9-7 14:43
Evalam: 有無事呀
are u pertaining to me? am ok now, thanks for your thoughtfulness hug hug, as to the flowers, glad they are getting more and more energy now as compare to days before
回復 Evalam 2010-9-7 14:55
staplefordgem: are u pertaining to me? am ok now, thanks for your thoughtfulnesshug hug, as to the flowers, glad they are getting more and more energy now as
回復 staplefordgem 2010-9-7 15:02
Evalam: 你要小心d身體呀...花花可以再種嘛
收到 thank you, you so sweet hug hug, how r u?  long time no hear too, what's up lately?
回復 Evalam 2010-9-7 15:12
staplefordgem: 收到thank you, you so sweet hug hug, how r u?  long time no hear too, what's up lately?
回復 staplefordgem 2010-9-7 15:38
Evalam: 好忙...搬緊屋..裝修緊
oh that's really busy u take good care
回復 Evalam 2010-9-8 16:09
staplefordgem: oh that's really busyu take good care
u 2

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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