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熱度 4已有 374 次閱讀2009-11-11 20:29 |


認唔認得我呀。。。我喺紫囡囡呀,那是我今朝的照片。自從你比我哋移民到gem媽咪依道,我都好乖架,好聽話,冇扭計。。。第一日我喺好驚呀,新環境和新氣候,所以我就頭tap tap,gem媽咪重以為我喺同佢鞠躬,其實我喺怕醜嘻嘻,好在有牡丹姐姐,藍姐姐,豚哥哥及鬚哥哥壯膽咋。今日的我已經比較習慣了,依道好多新朋友,今日我哋五個入住gem媽咪屋内,佢話喺newbie媽咪你吩咐的,要暫時住喺裏面,等遲d才讓我們出返去住喎。入住屋裏後,下午我便抬頭參觀喇。。。


發表評論 評論 (10 個評論)

回復 newbie 2009-11-11 21:41
good girl baby ^^ yr mum GEM is great, she can type so many chinese hahaaa  "下午我便抬頭參觀喇。。。" the house must be very big and nice.. u happy la ^^ u see yr friends only living in egg egg :)
  u have big home, so grow more leaves la ^^
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-11 21:54
newbie: good girl baby ^^ yr mum GEM is great, she can type so many chinese hahaaa  "下午我便抬頭參觀喇。。。" the house must be very big and nice..
hahahah not big house, just small one too am so surprised to see her this afternoon coz she fly up hahahhaha, i cut off the leaves of the other two stems except this one coz i want to see her fly fly
回復 newbie 2009-11-11 21:55
staplefordgem: hahahah not big house, just small one tooam so surprised to see her this afternoon coz she fly uphahahhaha, i cut off the leaves of the
hahaa cut the stems up to near the soil.. it will die , no use ga la ^^
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-11 22:22
newbie: hahaa cut the stems up to near the soil.. it will die , no use ga la ^^
oh hmmm so i need to cut til near the soil thank you, hahhahah i only cut off the violet leaves, that's why u can see the middle long stem will cut it 2morrow
回復 newbie 2009-11-12 09:26
staplefordgem: oh hmmm so i need to cut til near the soilthank you, hahhahah i only cut off the violet leaves, that's why u can see the middle long stem[em:3
yes cut cut cut
回復 Evalam 2009-11-12 09:57
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-12 20:28
Evalam: 好叻喎
thank you thank you hehehheheh she's very 叻叻
回復 Evalam 2009-11-12 20:40
staplefordgem: thank you thank you hehehhehehshe's very 叻叻
回復 小紅楓 2010-1-14 13:20
your one looks not bad, my one is almost die - falling to die
回復 staplefordgem 2010-1-14 20:16
小紅楓: your one looks not bad, my one is almost die - falling to die
if it fell down, it's alright, this plant likes sunlight pretty much and less water, if the old stem withered, just leave it that way, it will grow out new stem after sometime expose to sunlight with less/moderate water, pls don't give up, 加油噢

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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