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熱度 25已有 1473 次閱讀2011-3-8 10:53 |

等了又等, 終於等到了u915分享的E. Cleopatra, 成為了我的第二棵粉紅喜蔭, yeah!!

此外, 還有其他和u915交換回來的, 包括:


K. Rusty


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回復 newbie 2011-3-8 10:55
yeah ....... 我又可以等啦 .. hahhahahahaaaa
but so red ..........  
回復 catherineyeung 2011-3-8 11:12
E. Cleopatra好靚呀
回復 蕙蕙 2011-3-8 11:22
newbie: yeah ....... 我又可以等啦 .. hahhahahahaaaa
but so red ..........   
red is not ur favourite colour la...
回復 蕙蕙 2011-3-8 11:22
catherineyeung: E. Cleopatra好靚呀
回復 newbie 2011-3-8 11:26
蕙蕙: red is not ur favourite colour la...
hhahahaaaa .. u lucky . otherwise .......  
回復 蕙蕙 2011-3-8 11:27
newbie: hhahahaaaa .. u lucky . otherwise .......   
回復 newbie 2011-3-8 11:43
how can u make the photo so small to post here.. those i've already trimmed it .. still very big :(
回復 蕙蕙 2011-3-8 12:55
newbie: how can u make the photo so small to post here.. those i've already trimmed it .. still very big :(
i use photoshop to reduce their size
回復 mandywowo 2011-3-8 15:13
newbie: how can u make the photo so small to post here.. those i've already trimmed it .. still very big :(
回復 newbie 2011-3-8 17:57
i've reset to small still very big ... why ??? like the 大合照 i posted in my diary ...
回復 newbie 2011-3-8 18:01
蕙蕙: i use photoshop to reduce their size
ooh icicccccccccccccccc got it . thanks
回復 mandywowo 2011-3-8 18:01
newbie: i've reset to small still very big ... why ??? like the 大合照 i posted in my diary ...
裝左上面條link果個用, 可以揀大中細好好用試下啦
回復 newbie 2011-3-9 06:22
mandywowo: 裝左上面條link果個用, 可以揀大中細好好用試下啦
tried la .. the photo size = KB is much less but when i post here .. still a bit big ... finally i used something like photoshop to resize la .. thanks dear ^^
回復 newbie 2011-3-9 06:25
maybe my computer setting .. 係主版我睇番自己 upload d photos, 1/3 唔見左 .. 奇怪 .. :(
回復 N-Blythe 2011-3-9 11:16
回復 keung 2011-3-9 11:49
回復 蕙蕙 2011-3-9 14:59
N-Blythe: 你的苦類越來越豐富囉
都係多謝大家啦, 你都contribute左唔少俾我啦
回復 蕙蕙 2011-3-9 15:00
keung: 你真係好博愛
回復 N-Blythe 2011-3-9 15:03
蕙蕙: 都係多謝大家啦, 你都contribute左唔少俾我啦
回復 mandywowo 2011-3-9 17:30
newbie: maybe my computer setting .. 係主版我睇番自己 upload d photos, 1/3 唔見左 .. 奇怪 .. :(
同你一樣我成日都見唔到, 所以post左成日都無人睇到... 要加個日誌先得

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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