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my up-coming performance -- 《女上男下》…即係十幾年前嘅撞板風流! ... ...

熱度 4已有 468 次閱讀2011-4-17 02:28


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發表評論 評論 (11 個評論)

回復 ChowChow 2011-4-18 00:05
回復 miffymary 2011-4-18 01:34
haha! 你嚟睇就話你知啦!
回復 小Con子 2011-4-18 10:52
miffymary: haha! 你嚟睇就話你知啦!
回復 ChowChow 2011-4-18 14:02
miffymary: haha! 你嚟睇就話你知啦!
回復 miffymary 2011-4-18 14:49
28/4 open! 城市電腦售票網有飛賣
回復 ChowChow 2011-4-18 21:06
miffymary: 28/4 open! 城市電腦售票網有飛賣
好, 叫老公去睇先得
回復 newbie 2011-4-18 21:29
wow  ...  你都玩 drama ... me 2.. good show !!!!!!!!!!!!
回復 newbie 2011-4-18 21:30
by the way . i will send some of my drama group leaflets to sheung wan YOUR front desk hehe on web or thur, any chance I can say hi to u ^^ heheee ^^
回復 miffymary 2011-4-19 02:01
newbie: by the way . i will send some of my drama group leaflets to sheung wan YOUR front desk hehe on web or thur, any chance I can say hi to u ^^ heheee ^^
don't know ar.... since i am not insist of the front desk task!! by chance la!
回復 newbie 2011-4-25 01:10
miffymary: don't know ar.... since i am not insist of the front desk task!! by chance la!
wed 我係 sheung wan 見到 大東亞異人娼館 D 演員 放 tea break :) 其中 KAT 以前都有合作過 but i think she didnt recongise me la hahaa...
咁你係唔係 full time actress ah ?   我都好想做演員 hehehe ^^
this was my last show ^^
回復 miffymary 2011-4-25 13:34
kat? I don't know her ar, but I think I know who is Kat since there only one girl I don't know.  

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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