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小紅楓的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?2682 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]



熱度 3已有 1451 次閱讀2012-6-12 05:58



想種好耐,終於的起心情 + right timing,  now 有花冧啦,5好再下雨啦,希望佢易種。

發表評論 評論 (16 個評論)

回復 newbie 2012-6-12 07:07
wowow many lums ah ... 咁少泥都得 ?
回復 newbie 2012-6-12 07:08
i love the smell / taste of passion fruit so much .. D leave 有無味架 ?
回復 小紅楓 2012-6-12 07:13
newbie: wowow many lums ah ... 咁少泥都得 ?
因為好多蝸牛,我盆內盆,都有6寸深架,會再轉大盆比多 d 竹佢 climb   都算多,因為細棵
回復 小紅楓 2012-6-12 07:14
newbie: i love the smell / taste of passion fruit so much .. D leave 有無味架 ?
無 bor, at the moment
回復 newbie 2012-6-12 07:17
小紅楓: 因為好多蝸牛,我盆內盆,都有6寸深架,會再轉大盆比多 d 竹佢 climb    都算多,因為細棵
好多蝸牛 aiyo .. must be the fafa/fruit yummie la @@ eeek @@
會再轉大盆比多 d 竹佢 climb <--- then will have more and more fafa la :)
回復 newbie 2012-6-12 07:19
小紅楓: 無 bor, at the moment
ooh ... billy gifted me a plant, the leave has passion fruit 香味架, 一 touch 就有, 我勁中意呀 !
回復 小紅楓 2012-6-12 07:21
newbie: ooh ... billy gifted me a plant, the leave has passion fruit 香味架, 一 touch 就有, 我勁中意呀 !
upload photo please, would like to have a look  
回復 小紅楓 2012-6-12 07:22
newbie: 好多蝸牛 aiyo .. must be the fafa/fruit yummie la @@ eeek @@
會再轉大盆比多 d 竹佢 climb <--- then will have more and more fafa la :)
I hope so, lst time grow this kind of flower, awaiting to see the flowers
回復 newbie 2012-6-12 07:23
小紅楓: upload photo please, would like to have a look   
ok ... take new photo now la :) hehe
回復 newbie 2012-6-12 07:24
小紅楓: I hope so, lst time grow this kind of flower, awaiting to see the flowers
yes add oil , i love this fafa too but no chance to see 'real' fafa @@
回復 小紅楓 2012-6-12 07:31
newbie: yes add oil , i love this fafa too but no chance to see 'real' fafa @@
last time,  I bought some clematis seeds (some kind like this) for Wai Wai, but I left it on one of the 背心袋,and thrown it away without noticed.  I feel so sorry to her    If this one have seeds,  will reserve for you and wai wai, I am sure she'll like it.
回復 newbie 2012-6-12 07:39
小紅楓: last time,  I bought some clematis seeds (some kind like this) for Wai Wai, but I left it on one of the 背心袋,and thrown it away without noticed.  I ...
oooooooooh my god ... thrown away @@ poor seeds .. cry cry ... @
kk , wait for the seeds, thnks ^^ waiwai got one which is purple fafa, this white one very nice too !! but start from seeds may need 2 years la haha :)
回復 DORA 2012-6-12 09:51
回復 caca8j 2012-6-12 12:26
回復 小紅楓 2012-6-12 23:13
caca8j: 犀利
回復 小紅楓 2012-6-12 23:14

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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