GTR香草記錄之-再見花園 (請各方好友收留香草)

作者: gtrnismo 發表于 2009-4-6 19:47:43
100395 679
arp 發表於 2009-4-30 09:37:41 |顯示全部樓層
sweet basil 同 purple so 係米meet 左花就唔會死原株架 ?

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gtrnismo 發表於 2009-4-30 12:11:35 |顯示全部樓層
sweet basil 同 purple so 係米meet 左花就唔會死原株架 ?
arp 發表於 2009-4-30 09:37


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stupidorange 發表於 2009-5-4 03:45:37 |顯示全部樓層
80# gtrnismo

Just sign up to express my profound gratitude. You are amazing, posting all these photos with very useful information! It costs me $$$$$ just to get flat-leave parsley for cooking from citysuper. I got myself my first parsley from Great(Seibu basement)a week ago and it's already struggling. Can you tell me where u get your $10-ish seed. I don't think my tiny pot of parsley can even last for one cooking. I am sorry but I really want to know where you can your seed for the cinnamon basil too, cuz I can't keep on spending $30 herb for  2 servings of spaghetti. Lastly, sorry I didn't write in Chinese cos it's way to troublesome (handwritten on cellphone then email to myself, and cut and paste, and post). Best wishes to you and all your babies.

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gtrnismo 發表於 2009-5-4 23:21:10 |顯示全部樓層
80# gtrnismo

Just sign up to express my profound gratitude. You are amazing, posting all these photos with very useful information! It costs me $$$$$ just to get flat-leave parsley for cooking from ...
stupidorange 發表於 2009-5-4 03:45

thank you.
10bucksseed, i got them all from 繽紛 at the flower market in mongkwok. i think its like 3 diff basils for 15bucks or 20 i forgot. and theywere lemon, cinnamon and purple. i used to have so much headache about chinese typing before so its ok aslong as your not doing it in jap or whatever nonlatin.
where u from anyway?

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stupidorange 發表於 2009-5-4 23:37:01 |顯示全部樓層
18# gtrnismo

is it "
woolly aphids", or it could be "powdery mildrew"?

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stupidorange 發表於 2009-5-5 00:20:29 |顯示全部樓層
123# stupidorange

From the same kind of place :"從前住的地方吃唐餐貴, my sister 煮所以有此習慣". I have read a lot of your postings (and others like "TLC-JicJicMom" and "all-knowing-and-mighty Grassman") in the last 24 hours and all of them are very useful. I can never thank you enough. I only start growing cuz it's too expensive to spend $30 dollars on herb every week. U can tell how desperate I am. I got hooked with this special basil from Citysuper (lable says Australian Basil, what an enlightenment!) in Jan and have been doing my research like crazy. I was waiting for the flower show that was then 2 months away (March)in Victoria Park.  I brought along the basil I got from citysuper and asked around, stall by stall (obviously it's not sweet basil nor thai basil), but no one seems to know what it is (end up with some thyme, rosemary,fennel, Thai Basil and Chinese Smelly Grass during my search for Australian basil). Lately, I met one lady from the flower shop in Central but she said she doesn't have enough to get me any as she needs those for the fine italian restaurants like Four Season and Conrad! Yet, she could not tell me what type it is ( I know it's difficult since there are hundreds of them). So what I will do it :"插支要避免暴晒, 甚至避免陽光直射"! I will try to pot that basil from citysuper(um, it doesn't look quite like cinnemon basil) and see......Sorry for so long winded but I am happy to find this site!

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gtrnismo 發表於 2009-5-5 21:22:07 |顯示全部樓層
18# gtrnismo

is it "woolly aphids", or it could be "powdery mildrew"?

stupidorange 發表於 2009-5-4 23:37

which herb u talking about? coz i got wolly aphids on my rosemary before and powdery mildew on my melons

number 18, chervil? which pic

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gtrnismo 發表於 2009-5-5 21:31:45 |顯示全部樓層
123# stupidorange

From the same kind of place :"從前住的地方吃唐餐貴, my sister 煮所以有此習慣". I have read a lot of your postings (and others like "TLC-JicJicMom" and "all-knowing-and-mighty Gras ...
stupidorange 發表於 2009-5-5 00:20

Australian Basil? i think they just rename it diff to show it cool. prolly FROM australian not australian basil. i need to have a deeper research on this mam. how come u spend 30 every week for your pasta things? have u check out the store in Mongkwok yet? 30 dollars gives u a whole garden of basil, both the front yard and backyard i mean. u know where the flower market in mongkwok right?

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gtrnismo 發表於 2009-5-5 21:52:10 |顯示全部樓層


arm arm落地的樣子 - 穩個最晒最晒既地方比佢就arm架喇

適應, 而且大左



種rosemary最好穩個下面感既位, 晒到嘔血就arm

最後因為個仔因為移位唔夠水瓜左, (如要從A移位到B最好3-4天避免太陽直射, 多水, 適應後先再晒)

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fianfumy 發表於 2009-5-5 22:12:08 |顯示全部樓層
Rosemary 真係值得一種 , 煮食好幫手呀 !

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gtrnismo 發表於 2009-5-5 22:23:19 |顯示全部樓層
鼠尾草 - Sage

容易種但未成功繁殖過, 遲D會試下壓根, 個樣都唔似插得支但我都試過, 當然是失敗

睇樣應該係種子繁殖但未有機會種到開花 (園藝館好多人種過開花, 如有繁殖成功經驗請指教指教 )

上兩年大雨加上未有挖坑既經驗全部抄晒 (爛根莖會變黑, 葉慢慢脫落而死)

鼠尾草是我落種子最多的一種 - 3次!, 因為沒有繁殖成功過, 希望今年做足準備功夫可以開花結子成功誕下第2代

應該係3年前既相, 重記得好得意既豆豆葉

速度非常快, 日日高


鼠尾草幾麻煩, 要種好容易要靚都幾麻煩: 陽光要足但要靚又要避免全日照
日照唔夠又會好似一下照片一樣dub頭dub腦, 向橫發展


一個星期便適應: 陰天多雨葉最綠, 全日照會變得焦黃 (好似lemon balm一樣)

第1次失敗經過: 塘泥比例過多去水差, 越木質化的莖越容易爛根

第2次的種: 未出橫枝前比較接受日照(無禁容易黃) 但最好旁邊多擺幾盆檔檔太陽避免過晒過熱

很受泥土影響生長的香草, 試過用最差的泥發種子, 發芽率下降20倍有多 (儘量control experiment)
差的泥種出來葉會減少, 莖會比例地長

80%of 一包種子數量, 大家可以以此作參考數字, 一盆要落幾多種子你地可以估計



攤開, 擴大面積 (還是不夠)


大, 並且移位 (留意沒有去水坑)

蟲害不死, 但最後落左1個月雨就全部死晒

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gtrnismo 發表於 2009-5-5 22:28:36 |顯示全部樓層
犧牲香港寶貴的串金尺土, 整條坑!

用上最cheap的泥, 但加最多的堆肥, 睇下結果同上年有幾大分別

雨季未到, 但一兩場雨已經試倒條坑既作用, 尤其我用cheap泥溝少沙

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athernas 發表於 2009-5-5 23:48:29 |顯示全部樓層


arm arm落地的樣子 - 穩個最晒最晒既地方比佢就arm架喇

適應, 而且大左
gtrnismo 發表於 2009/5/5 21:52


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gtrnismo 發表於 2009-5-6 21:56:19 |顯示全部樓層
133# athernas


我條屋村有個人種到成個花園都係, 1 paul都有兩個3百磅肥仔禁大


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stupidorange 發表於 2009-5-6 23:08:08 |顯示全部樓層
128# gtrnismo
Will pay a visit there tomorrow. Have been studying soil from your photos (and postings from others). It seems that you didn't use much potting mix when growing the herb, and learned from All-knowing-and-mighty Grassman that we shouldn't use much potting mix in herb. Found something useful for me from a Hong Kong 中學中二material : "一般我們常用的科學泥為一份茸草加一份真硃岩和一份蛭石。如要改善疏水能力,可以再加上適量的淡水沙" "蛭石Vermiculite 經過高溫的天然礦物。質地柔軟,富韌性。能儲存大量水分。肥力甚低,但可保存養分。重量輕,清潔。鹼性相當強。""真珠岩Perlite有很多小孔隙,可貯存水分。缺乏肥力及保存養分的能力。重量輕。清潔。""塘泥Pond soil含有豐富腐殖質,肥力高,排水和透氣性很差。乾固時很堅硬,濕潤時很黏糊。""科學泥Mix of peat moss/perlite/vermiculite茸草。真珠岩。蛭石(1:1:1)""黃花沙Sub-soil肥力和保存養分能力較低。排水和透氣性甚佳。""茸草/泥炭苔Peat moss屬保存在濕冷生態環境下未經分解的植物殘留物質。吸收水分能力很高。肥力很弱,但保存養分的能力很強。酸性強。""黑泥/表土Black top soil含有豐富腐殖質,肥力高,保存水分和養分能力好,排水和透氣性皆令人滿意。"" I was in fact trying to find more about organic soil when I found these. The 科學泥 in fact looks very innocent to me, seems healthy enough to grow food in it. Will use the potting mix for seeding as shown in your photos and mix them with 沙 when growing the plants.

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gtrnismo 發表於 2009-5-7 20:14:02 |顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 gtrnismo 於 2009-5-7 22:08 編輯

135# stupidorange

im not using 科學泥 anymore even for sprouting. both my friend and i made our own soil. simply get orange skin or any fruit skin chopped and sundried, put them on top of any earth then cover with dried weed or...watever.
ive made alot of homemade soil and they are the best among all things in store.
to me peat moss + sands + homemade give best home for sprouting, for sure with homemade fertilizer. and i think u know how to make it without any tutorial

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小寶 發表於 2009-5-7 20:44:57 |顯示全部樓層
gtr, 橙皮,生果皮等放在泥面用乾草蓋住要幾耐才可以變成泥呀?

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gtrnismo 發表於 2009-5-7 22:22:48 |顯示全部樓層
gtr, 橙皮,生果皮等放在泥面用乾草蓋住要幾耐才可以變成泥呀?
小寶 發表於 2009-5-7 20:44

越多刀越快消化, 好似牙齒咬爛食物消化一樣
我而家通常會切條, 大概5cmx0.5cm左右
先晒, 而家天氣兩日晒乾, 後落泥, 林水。 室外1個半月一定變泥(黑色)
如太陽夠晒3日唔林水, 泥同皮都晒乾, 翻土, 林水。
最好就反覆暴晒, 浸泡, 暴晒, 浸泡, 感就最快。(一個月以內)

因為儘量"浸泡", 所以我會用疏水差既泥, 林落去泥面成幾分鐘都唔透果D
報紙做底, 扑碎堂泥溝D黃花泥晒乾有時真係電鑽都唔入

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小寶 發表於 2009-5-8 01:51:46 |顯示全部樓層
138# gtrnismo


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arp 發表於 2009-5-8 13:38:25 |顯示全部樓層
ok wor, 我日日都食2個橙.....

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