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Evalam的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?7401 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


有無人要sinn. Tinkerbell?
  • ylee: 我要 謝謝 (3-26 22:14)
  • ylee: long time no see la, how are U? (3-26 22:18)
  • Evalam: 最近好忙呀....咁我留俾你... (3-27 12:15)
  • ylee: thank you    (3-27 13:08)
  • Evalam: 幾時攞呀 (3-28 11:42)
  • ylee: after Easter holidays , at Prince Edward MTR ,after work around 7:00pm are you OK?   or somewhere after work    have you join the 414 gathering? (3-28 23:16)
2013-3-26 13:03 回復|


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