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睇古仔 >.< 有野估 yeah ^^

熱度 28已有 2641 次閱讀2011-2-13 11:37 |個人分類:Sinn

回想年幾兩前見到 "江江姐" 的相冊中有一美人兒,
不停話好靚呀好靚呀, 江江姐好好人相赠了一棵給我, 勁開心呀 !
種左唔記得幾耐, 終於有花啦 @ Nov 2009  .................

Sinn Lavendar Queen 真係好靚, 又大朵, 仲開好耐架 :) 

Sinn sp LQ 好叻呀, 有左 BB !!

好彩我離港前 collected the seeds , then I bring them to canada and sowed them

(打中文好難, 有d想死, better change back to english la hehe)

yoyoo.. some babies coming out @ Oct 2009 !!

Feb 2011 成功 偷渡入境, 回港定居 ^^ 而家都大個女啦, 要搵頭好住家 .... :) 分盆之前影番張相先 ^^

好啦, 請大家估下我會分到幾多棵呀 ? deadline Monday Feb 14, 2011 23:59 pm

估中送一盆兩棵比你呀, 如果你想要的話, 名額先來5個, 抽籤決定啦 heheheeee ;

唔要奬品都玩下啦 :) 多謝支持 .. 同埋 請祝福 小小 Sinn LQ 開心成長, 快高長大, 開枝散葉

最後 many thanks again to 江江姐 的相贈

happy chinese new year and happy valentine's day

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回復 蕙蕙 2011-2-15 21:52
newbie: actually i throwed away 2 tiny babies.. if not, will be 38 hahaa ^^
oh, poor tiny babies...
回復 keung 2011-2-15 23:25
謝謝妳的美意。我都有這個品種。 約茶聚日期希望可以出嚟同大家聚。但今年實在太忙可能時間上配合唔到
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 09:25
keung: 謝謝妳的美意。我都有這個品種。 約茶聚日期希望可以出嚟同大家聚。但今年實在太忙可能時間上配合唔到   ...
oh understand .  i am waiting WAH back to hk . then hope we can have lunch gathering la.. seems many of u are very busy now ah !!
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 09:35
蕙蕙: oh, poor tiny babies...
i am so regret now ah :( ............. so when will u meet me ah ? wait till wah back lunch meeting ??
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 09:36
蕙蕙: u still remember that...
that's how i make my living 架
of cos remember and jealous la.. can u help me to make my living too..
very poor. the C$ soooooooo high ... any chance it will drop ah , prettie prof wai
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 09:43
maplejoe: oh!baby!sorry and thanks for you!i just want to support your game .Because it's so funny.實不相瞞,江江姐姐都曾經送贈這美花與我,可惜我沒像你般細心 ...
ookkkkkkkk then... thanks for your support ah !!!! 我一返來就嘈嘈咪搵野玩 :) so what kind of fa fa u planting now ?? must be all special ones la ^^ i love this one when i first saw in the 江江姐's photo... so i must take very good care of it la ^^ very happy from a 側芽種到有花and have babies.. i am waiting the babies grown up to have fa fa la.. enjoy the process so much ^^
回復 Juna 2011-2-16 15:27
newbie: hmmm.. no sry my friend :) try again pls^^
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 15:28
Juna: 開左估未架?
opened long time la hahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
回復 Juna 2011-2-16 15:29
newbie: newbie 出品... 無咁小.. hahahaa ^^
回復 Juna 2011-2-16 15:30
newbie: opened long time la hahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 15:31
Juna:      38棵?
sweetie.. read my post for answer la.. 而家仲估.. hahahhaaaaa
回復 Juna 2011-2-16 15:32
newbie: sweetie.. read my post for answer la.. 而家仲估.. hahahhaaaaa
再估, 你先話開左  
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 15:33
Juna: 再估, 你先話開左   
hahhahaaaaaaaaaaa .. ur hand faster than me lor hahahhaaaaa
回復 Juna 2011-2-16 15:36
newbie: hahhahaaaaaaaaaaa .. ur hand faster than me lor hahahhaaaaa
回復 tongtony 2011-2-16 17:52
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 18:35
tongtony: 嘩!真係非常熱鬧!如果可以轉去主版發展,一定令AV版生色不少!        
ooh really ?? 我唔好意思係主版玩呀.. ok.. i still have 一盆bb, later set the game in AV版 la :) thx.
回復 蕙蕙 2011-2-16 19:37
newbie: i am so regret now ah :( ............. so when will u meet me ah ? wait till wah back lunch meeting ??
yes, i think that's better cos i might be occupied this Sat.
btw, where is wah
回復 蕙蕙 2011-2-16 19:38
newbie: of cos remember and jealous la.. can u help me to make my living too..
very poor. the C$ soooooooo high ... any chance it will drop ah , prettie prof  ...
i wish i can telll u la...
回復 maplejoe 2011-2-16 20:03
newbie: ookkkkkkkk then... thanks for your support ah !!!! 我一返來就嘈嘈咪搵野玩 :) so what kind of fa fa u planting now ?? must be all special ones la ^^ i  ...
回復 newbie 2011-2-17 00:32
maplejoe: 如果唔洗返工既話,我都好種意播種,跟住揍大花花BB,過程真係好好玩,但係日日返工,越黎越冇咩時間照顧到佢地,花花病左又要花時間換盆同泥,薰衣草皇后好會開 ...
oook understand .. .種d自己最愛架啦.. 貴精不貴多 :)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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