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睇古仔 >.< 有野估 yeah ^^

熱度 28已有 2638 次閱讀2011-2-13 11:37 |個人分類:Sinn

回想年幾兩前見到 "江江姐" 的相冊中有一美人兒,
不停話好靚呀好靚呀, 江江姐好好人相赠了一棵給我, 勁開心呀 !
種左唔記得幾耐, 終於有花啦 @ Nov 2009  .................

Sinn Lavendar Queen 真係好靚, 又大朵, 仲開好耐架 :) 

Sinn sp LQ 好叻呀, 有左 BB !!

好彩我離港前 collected the seeds , then I bring them to canada and sowed them

(打中文好難, 有d想死, better change back to english la hehe)

yoyoo.. some babies coming out @ Oct 2009 !!

Feb 2011 成功 偷渡入境, 回港定居 ^^ 而家都大個女啦, 要搵頭好住家 .... :) 分盆之前影番張相先 ^^

好啦, 請大家估下我會分到幾多棵呀 ? deadline Monday Feb 14, 2011 23:59 pm

估中送一盆兩棵比你呀, 如果你想要的話, 名額先來5個, 抽籤決定啦 heheheeee ;

唔要奬品都玩下啦 :) 多謝支持 .. 同埋 請祝福 小小 Sinn LQ 開心成長, 快高長大, 開枝散葉

最後 many thanks again to 江江姐 的相贈

happy chinese new year and happy valentine's day

剛表態過的朋友 (0 人)

發表評論 評論 (198 個評論)

回復 newbie 2011-2-15 11:15
Evalam: d相係以前呀
回復 newbie 2011-2-15 11:24
Evalam: 唔怕la...從頭再嚟過囉...
ooh where u moved ah ???
回復 Evalam 2011-2-15 11:35
newbie: iciciiiiiccccccccc
回復 Evalam 2011-2-15 11:35
newbie: ooh where u moved ah ???
回復 newbie 2011-2-15 11:41
Evalam: 搬咗上媽咪樓上兩層..方便食飯    
回復 Evalam 2011-2-15 12:35
newbie:      iciciccccc
回復 cara 2011-2-15 12:44
newbie: 係 36 呀, 又估唔中啦 hahaha ! but of cos 點可以小左你個份! 19/2 sat 2 pm 得唔得閒去花墟 collect the tiny baby gift ah ? if not, we meet at north point ...
我唔去花墟啦,你再call我拎啦 thx honey
回復 newbie 2011-2-15 12:51
cara: 我唔去花墟啦,你再call我拎啦 thx honey
ho ho ho .... :)
回復 ylee 2011-2-15 12:57
Thank you 先   lunch gathering normal cannot la (as I'm working at HK side and cannot attend the weekday lunch gathering    See upi at 19/2 at flower market la. Pm U
回復 staplefordgem 2011-2-15 14:58
newbie: wow sweet 18 .. but i think to me double up la hahhaha ^^
then double it up to make it 36    hahaha ....
回復 newbie 2011-2-15 15:46
staplefordgem: then double it up to make it 36      hahaha ....
bingooooooooooooooo :) but how can i send this baby to u ?? any chance u come to hk visit us ah???
回復 newbie 2011-2-15 16:06
ylee: Thank you 先    lunch gathering normal cannot la (as I'm working at HK side and cannot attend the weekday lunch gathering      See upi at 19 ...
ok .. see at 19/2 2 pm :)
回復 蕙蕙 2011-2-15 17:47
newbie: PRO EXPERT ......... no comment ......... !!
(did u read all the response here  ?? hahahahhaa ^^)
i originally guessed 38, after reading other responses, especially ur tips, then changed my ans la
回復 蕙蕙 2011-2-15 18:39
newbie: 36 估中啦 ! 恭喜 !! 19/2 sat 2 pm 得唔得閒去花墟 collect the tiny baby gift ah ?
回復 newbie 2011-2-15 19:09
蕙蕙: 好野,估中左
ok ... we can meet any time la ;)
回復 newbie 2011-2-15 19:17
蕙蕙: i originally guessed 38, after reading other responses, especially ur tips, then changed my ans la
u always so smart la.. otherwise u cant be your own 'investor' hehehee ^^
回復 newbie 2011-2-15 19:17
蕙蕙: i originally guessed 38, after reading other responses, especially ur tips, then changed my ans la
actually i throwed away 2 tiny babies.. if not, will be 38 hahaa ^^
回復 maplejoe 2011-2-15 19:52
newbie: ops .. 係 36 呀, 估唔中啦 hahaha ! but of cos 點可以小左你個份! 19/2 sat 2 pm 得唔得閒去花墟 collect the tiny baby gift ah ? or wait WAH back to hk ar ...
oh!baby!sorry and thanks for you!i just want to support your game .Because it's so funny.實不相瞞,江江姐姐都曾經送贈這美花與我,可惜我沒像你般細心苛護,這花已魂歸天國,我亦打算唔種咁多住,你對種花仍然充滿熱情,還開枝散葉,真的很叻。我因為太忙!忙!忙!所以有時會疏忽照顧,個靚靚bb留給另一位幸運兒好嗎?sorry呀!點都好!我都要多謝您先!
回復 蕙蕙 2011-2-15 21:47
newbie: ok ... we can meet any time la ;)
that's right, at least u r still in HK for quite a few mths
回復 蕙蕙 2011-2-15 21:52
newbie: u always so smart la.. otherwise u cant be your own 'investor' hehehee ^^
u still remember that...
that's how i make my living 架

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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