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已有 626 次閱讀2019-10-13 09:30

高價值銀杏品種“ ZY 1”的栽培與評價
Cultivation and Evaluation of a High-Value Ginkgo biloba Variety “ZY 1” 
Bo Wang1, Guo He1, et al.
link: http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/jas/article/view/0/36805
Journal of Agricultural Science, Canadian Center of Science and Education
Through Co-γ-ray irradiation of “Anlu 1”, a variety named as “ZY 1” with good properties was cultivated. 
"ZY1" grows faster, no branches, high leaf yield. Leaf extracts contain higher flavonoids and terpenoids contents but lower undesired ginkogolic acids.

通過“Anlu 1”的Co-γ-ray輻照,培育出具有良好特性的品種“ ZY 1”。

ZY 1”生長較快,無枝,高葉產量。

葉提取物中的類黃酮(Flavoniods)和萜類(Terpenoids)化合物含量較高,但較不理想的銀杏酸(ginkogolic acids)含量較低。

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